Justin Bieber

I don't even know where to start.. 
but i think i'm going to start whit a big THANK you.. 
Thank you for making me believing in myself, thank you for always putting a smile on my face, thank you for making me to a better person, thank you for always bringing me up from the dark nights, when i'm feeling down. Thank you for beeing an amazing person, thank you for hepling sick people, thank you for always beeing here for us BELIEBERS and thank you for beeing my insperation. 
Justin, you're truly amazing, the music you sprid all over the world is amazing, everytime i listen to you're amazing music i feel safe and secure.. Yeah yeah i know sometime's you're music can even make cry but you know why? it's because every freaking thing's that has happened to me the past years just come's true my mind when i listen to you're music.. i know ya'll might think it's a bad thing but it's not, cause i just cry out and after a while i feel much better and ya'll know why? becaouse i know.. '' That everything is gonna be alright'' 
Belieber power  
And hey Justin you are sooo soooo cute!
För er alla svenska beliebers följ mig på twitter så följer jag tbx @parisa6


Awww, this made my cry :(

2012-09-07 @ 23:33:56

this just was so cute of you

2012-09-07 @ 23:35:00

damn.. i'm crying

bieber we all love yooouuu

2012-09-07 @ 23:37:38

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