I don't know much about guns but I...I've been shot by you

Hi guys!
I just got home and i wanned to talk to you guys about boys and relationships. 
For like 1 year ago i like this guys and i'm telling you that i really liked him.. we hangd out for a cople of months.. and then this girl well my friend (EX friend) camed between u so everything went so wrong.. We where daiting and stuff.. we bouth liked each other. But after i heard som stuff i had enough.. my ex friend was coming to me whit lies and telling me that he was a player. She only told me that cause she liked him, then she went to him and told lies about me 
I was in a really bad relationthip and it hurt caouse i really liked him and when ever she told lies he didn't believe it but after a couple time's hi did. Sometimes i heard thing about him that was bad, but i didn't do anything caous i liked him so much.. The day when he camed and yelled at me i had enough. The things about we wasn't even true and he know it.. But when ever he told me that everything my ex friend told me was true i had enough!
I cryed for day's, it feelt like my heart was in peaces. And still today i can't get over it, i can't get over the fact that i could do that to myself. I cryed for months. 
And when you're broken you think that it's over for you, you aint gonna find someone like him. But let me tell you this, YES YOU WILL!
My sister told me one day that everything was going to be alright, If he treated you bad he dosen't deserve you. And it's hes lost!  She told me that im gonna find a guy that is gonna love me for me, he wount listen to a girl that is coming whit lies to fuck u up. He's gonna be proud to take you're hand and show you of to the world. He will love you for you!
Every sins then i put my hed up high and been proud of myself, i though, why sit here? and cry for a piece of shit that is telling me after months tha he want's to get back togheter? o heeell noo! 
Girls, don't you EVER go back to you ex's! Ever, it's like you're eating a sandwich that was bad all over agine. You'll find a guy that love's you, that dosn't care about what people think, that dosn't care if you don't have any make up on, that will love you for how you are.. 


Wow girl.. i didn't know. Why didn't you tell me? i feel so sorry for you.. If i found him i'll fuck him up!

2012-09-09 @ 22:19:54

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