Never mind

Orkar inte mer, känns bara så konstig att se dig hela tiden. Jag saknar tiderna då det var du och jag, då 
du vissade den fina sidan utav dig och inte den sidan du är nu. Vet du vam som stör mig som mest? du äcklar mig, du äcklar skiten ur mig, Jag gillade dig så starkt, när du började i vår klass så såg jag bar dig. Jag såg ingen anna, åttan var de bästa året för mig. Det kändes som om jag hittade någon, någon som förtod mig, tiderna vi kunde ssa i hundra år, chatta på fb eller misshandla sönder varandra i skolan, tiderna då vi chillad med M och A tiderna allt var PERFEKT.. Under nian blev allt  bara knas, hon kom in och fucka allt och hon lyckades.. när vi inte snackade mer så snackade du ite med någon och om jag ska vara ärlig så tyckte jag synd om dig, jag fattade inte varför du var så tyst och deppig. Jag vet, jag vet.. det var om allt som hade hänt men hur FAN trodde du jag kände mig? jag brann varje gång jag såg dig. Du försår inte hur mycket det döda mig att se dig varje dag. Jag ville bar att nian skulle ta slut, att vi skulle sluta, att det skulle bli skolavslutning så jag slapp se dig.. ag kunde komma hem efter skolan och efter jag vart med tjejerna och gråta mig själv till sömns. DU behandlade mig simi ingen kille gjort förut.. 
Den dagen vi började snacka igen så kunde jag inte fatta, fatta vad som hände.. det kändes så rätt men ändå fel. Jag trodde det vart ditt fel till vart vi stod innan, till varför det blev som det blev. Jag hatade dig så jävla mycket, Jag hatade mig själv mer för att jag ens börja gilla dig, att jag fall för allt du gjorde för mig. Men när vi började snacka igen så ville jag bara att vi skulle vara vänner och inget mer. Jag ville inte att du skulle såra mig igen.. det gick veckor och vi snacade som om ingenting hade hänt. Jag fattade inite varför du inte hade kommit fram och snackat med mig och frågat mig vad som gick fel. Du vet väl att jag berättade för dig att jag var blyg, jag sa det till dig när det va vi och ingen annan,så du kunde kommit fram men nej du gjorde inte det.. efter fucking två månade tar du det på facebook? det känns som om du inite vågade komma fram till mitt ansikte, det var ditt fel alltihop, det var ditt fel till att det blev som det blev. Sen att du påstår att jag ska ge dig en chans till och att vi kan hålla det hemligt ett tag,, hell no... du är en player och jag insåg inte de, jag insåg ingenting!! jag var blind.. de varnade mig från dig andra gången och jag är så nöjd att jag lyssnade på dom.
Jag saknar inte dig idag, inte för ett öre ! Jag saknar bara ditt gamla jag.. du har sjutigt alla EXAKT alla, Du visste att vår gamla klass var som en familj... du visste allt !! vår gamla klass som jag hade gått med sen barnben kunde och kan fortfarande idag offra allt för varndra, när du började så öppnade vi vår famn för dig, vi tog in dig i klassen som vår familj. Men idag har du exat alla.. vet du vad?!!!! FUCK YOOOOUUUU !!!!

Mi Hermosa

Hi my sweet lovebugs !
I'm so sorry for not posting anything up lataly, i've just been busy whit school, friends and my
lovaly family. Something bad has just happened in ore family, and no i'm not gonna talk about it on or blog. 
I just wanned to say that i'm still here. I just got home from school and i'm verry tired so untill i've woked up in my brain (in my world it's sleeping LOL) i'm going to share a song whit you guys that i've been listning to, and i can only tell you this... LISTEND TO IT! ya'll are going to love it!

Carly Rae Jepon ft Justin Bieeber- Beauiful ♥

I'm back lovies

Hi sweethears. 
Omg, i'm so sorry for not posting anything lately. I just feelt that i needed to 
put myselfe togheter agine. If feelt like i was going to lose myselfe. It's just... it's hard.. 
This past day's i just feelt bad all the time, I feelt like i didn't know myselfe anymore. I don't know what i wanned or what i want to do whit my life. and sometimes it hurts badly and when you feel bad... all of this problems you had in the past just come's true you're mind, have i rong or have i right?  I know that i've got alot of anxiety's and that i am in my stupid funk. But i feel much better today, i just spend this past days whit friends and my famly.. But i just wanned you guys to know, cause in my earlier blog part i told you guys that i feelt bad. So i just wanned you guys to know that i'm all good now
Love you guys 

All in my head

Hi lovies.. 
Sorry for not posting anything, it's just been a hard day today..
I don't know whats wrong whit my, i've broked down so many time's today..
I don't think it's the time for me to jus sit her and write about it all.. 
But here's a song that i've been listened to lately 

I don't know much about guns but I...I've been shot by you

Hi guys!
I just got home and i wanned to talk to you guys about boys and relationships. 
For like 1 year ago i like this guys and i'm telling you that i really liked him.. we hangd out for a cople of months.. and then this girl well my friend (EX friend) camed between u so everything went so wrong.. We where daiting and stuff.. we bouth liked each other. But after i heard som stuff i had enough.. my ex friend was coming to me whit lies and telling me that he was a player. She only told me that cause she liked him, then she went to him and told lies about me 
I was in a really bad relationthip and it hurt caouse i really liked him and when ever she told lies he didn't believe it but after a couple time's hi did. Sometimes i heard thing about him that was bad, but i didn't do anything caous i liked him so much.. The day when he camed and yelled at me i had enough. The things about we wasn't even true and he know it.. But when ever he told me that everything my ex friend told me was true i had enough!
I cryed for day's, it feelt like my heart was in peaces. And still today i can't get over it, i can't get over the fact that i could do that to myself. I cryed for months. 
And when you're broken you think that it's over for you, you aint gonna find someone like him. But let me tell you this, YES YOU WILL!
My sister told me one day that everything was going to be alright, If he treated you bad he dosen't deserve you. And it's hes lost!  She told me that im gonna find a guy that is gonna love me for me, he wount listen to a girl that is coming whit lies to fuck u up. He's gonna be proud to take you're hand and show you of to the world. He will love you for you!
Every sins then i put my hed up high and been proud of myself, i though, why sit here? and cry for a piece of shit that is telling me after months tha he want's to get back togheter? o heeell noo! 
Girls, don't you EVER go back to you ex's! Ever, it's like you're eating a sandwich that was bad all over agine. You'll find a guy that love's you, that dosn't care about what people think, that dosn't care if you don't have any make up on, that will love you for how you are.. 


Sorry for the mess

Guys im sorry for the mess on ur blog, but im trying t make it god for us all.. 
it's going to be good soon so stay tuned ;) 

Jasmine V- Didn't mean it

Alright.. People might think that Jasmine got famouse becaouse of Justin bieber, well no she didn't she was 
famouse before justin even got famouse, but she wasn't famouse all over the world.. she was a disney girl when she was a kid, she was on house broken whit Selina gomez. So no she didn't get famouse becaouse of Justin she just ganed more fans!
Alright, that wasn't what i wanned to talk to you guys about.. Jasmine Villegas AKA Jasmine V is the second inspiration in my life, well first Justin then Jasmine.. Do you know why? couse she's just like Justin, she always make be smile when i feel bad, she always bring me up when i'm down, she always makes me feel batter and her music, her lyricks.. if feel's like she's talking stright through me. Everything she sings about has happended to her self or to her friends.. this girl has been through so much in life, she's been giving up so much and still people call her a slut?  well they called her a slut when she was daiting Justin, and now that she isnt, the belieber's whan her back.. 
the thing is she wount.. 
Jasmine she has just been in a abused relationship and it was baaaddddd.. Jinsu and Jasmine was togheter for
over 1 year and when he started to abuse her she was scared to tell her mom, dad and brother... but when she couldn't take it anymore she told them.. and then the drama started.. 
so now i just want to show u guys her didn't mean it video that is about her abused relationthip 
this video has been so big all over the world it has been brind up on MTV! u go Jasmine, the Jasminators love u 

Justin Bieber

I don't even know where to start.. 
but i think i'm going to start whit a big THANK you.. 
Thank you for making me believing in myself, thank you for always putting a smile on my face, thank you for making me to a better person, thank you for always bringing me up from the dark nights, when i'm feeling down. Thank you for beeing an amazing person, thank you for hepling sick people, thank you for always beeing here for us BELIEBERS and thank you for beeing my insperation. 
Justin, you're truly amazing, the music you sprid all over the world is amazing, everytime i listen to you're amazing music i feel safe and secure.. Yeah yeah i know sometime's you're music can even make cry but you know why? it's because every freaking thing's that has happened to me the past years just come's true my mind when i listen to you're music.. i know ya'll might think it's a bad thing but it's not, cause i just cry out and after a while i feel much better and ya'll know why? becaouse i know.. '' That everything is gonna be alright'' 
Belieber power  
And hey Justin you are sooo soooo cute!
För er alla svenska beliebers följ mig på twitter så följer jag tbx @parisa6

Dream until your dreams come true

Never doubt on you're own dreams, dream untill you're dreams comoe true 

I'm baacck bitcheeeess

Yoooooo guesse who's back? 
meee! LOL 
haha, i just want you guys to know that i'm starting up my blogg agine, after like 7 years.. haha no i'm just kidding.. 
But i just thought that i would be fun to do this agine.. so let me guys know what you want to read about.. it's going to be the same.. i'm going to post alot of quatuors and stuff but i'm also gonna post suff abot me and some relationthips edvis.. and someimes i'll even do my blog on swedish just caouse i'm from sweden ;) 
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